At the time of writing you can not visit the fort with a private boat so we did not go. You need to book and g...
The island has earned its name from the hundreds of friendly rabbits living on there – the rabbits do not hesi...
There is a small population on of mostly elderly people here. But lots and lots of cats, thus the nickname Cat...
A rather untouched group of about 365 cays or islands, i.e. never-ending beaches, sea-beds and untouched reefs...
Tiger beach north of Grand Bahama, the northernmost of the islands of the Bahamas. Lots of tourists on the isl...
I did not do the dive. However, dangers include that the blue hole is connected to the sea by a tunnel that ap...
På ön finns mest sommarhus men även upp mot 30 bofasta. Lat. 59.67698521175569 Long. 19.017503849212634
Här finns även torrdass och sopmaja. Lat. 59.72960983648858 Long. 19.123817270361325
Så länge inte vinden är nordväst eller sydost är du väl skyddad här.
Väl skyddat. Long. 58.85375805337727 Lat. 17.711746976721198