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Information for Marinas and Boat Clubs

1. Why use Navlex

The purpose with Navlex is to transfer knowledge from those who have it to those who lack it. For boaters, local knowledge can save lives, prevent injuries and more. – This is why we ask you to share as much as you can by posting and engaging others to post.

A boater who is new to a local area can then Navlex the local area (or a destination) and learn from past experiences. There is no need to repeat old mistakes.

1.You can create a Navlex position link for your Marina or Boat Club in seconds – that show “all category posts” in the area. This link you can share over email or on your webpage to the benefit of both members, new members and visitors. 

2. Members and visitors can set up alarms so that they are notified when, for example, a warning is posted in the area. This is good for boaters who often traffic an area. 

3. You can, for example, create a Navlex position link for 
the specific category “warnings” in your area, that thus only positions warnings in your area. And share that link on your webpage or over email.

4. Again, new visitors get access to local knowledge and experience, reducing risks and problems. It makes it possible for the local community to share knowledge and experience. 

5. You create and share a “For Sale” link, that positions what is for sale at your Marina or Boat Club, creating a Local market (listed items can also be seen nationally and internationally)  

6. Navlex is international –  Foreign visitors will know right away where to look for something and what to avoid.

7. You should create an official account for your Marina or Boat Club etc. so that you can post positions on behalf of the organization. And you should post a position in the Clubs Category, making yourself visible. The same goes for, for example, boatyards, sailmakers, surveyors etc. (if you think a category is missing, please use the contact email at the bottom of the page.)

8. It is Free.

9. Successful implementation means that you have done something good for boaters – put in on your CV. An impressive CV does not consist of positions you have had – but of things you did or accomplished.


Here is the link for the area around the island “Jungfrun” (the virgin) in Kalmar strait, Sweden. At the time of writing it shows two positions. One position showing the island as worth a visit, and another position warning for swell from a ferry – as a raw link, as a clickable sample text, and as a clickable sample image. 

This link can be tied to clickable text:

Or to any image of your choice:

2. How to create a local area link for your organization, e.g. Marina or club etc. in 3 steps:

Step 1. On the home page, find your position in the Location bar (or by GPS), select the category of interest (or leave blank for all) in the Select Category bar. And click “Search”. Please see red arrows below.

Step 2. On the Results page. Copy the complete link in the browser window.  Please see red arrows below.

Step 3. Now use that link on your Webpage.

— Anyone with access to your webpage can easily ad the link on your webpage(s), connect it to buttons or icons.

— Email the link to, for example, your members, customers, students, guests and visitors et cetera. 

— Repeat step 1-3 with different categories as needed. 

3. Successful or typical implementation.


1. Appoint someone who is responsible for implementation.

2. An organization should consider listing or providing: 

— an Overall Area link (no category is chosen in the process above). When visiting the link, from the results page, visitors can select other specific categories and search.

— and a Warnings link (category Warnings is chosen in the process above).

3. Consider listing or providing a link for a Lokal Market – where people can buy, sell etc, everything related to boats locally (the category Market is chosen in the process above). Then you can consider listing or providing:

— an Overall market (all sub-categories of the Market category are included)

— and a Subdivision specific market. For example, the subcategory “For sale” only. Please see below.

4. How to create subdivision markets from sub categories.

To create subdivision specific markets: Starting from step 3 in the guide to create a local area link – that is on the Results page, you can select categories. Please see red arrows below.

Select the Market category here and a window will pop up where you can select from sub categories in that category. Select a sub-category. Next, click search, and then copy the complete link that appears in the browser window.

To suggest any category or sub category that you think is missing, please contact us. Email address can be found at the bottom of the page. — Thanks for your time reading this. Lets make it happen!

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